Moose is 11 years old and she is a rescue dog. We had gone to the Animal Shelter to find a 2nd dog and whilst checking out all the residents , we were led to a room where the cats were kept. There were cages with a variety of moggies and I wondered what we were doing in the cat enclosure when we were looking for a dog. The lady showing us around explained that there was a puppy in a cage next to the cats as she was very young and who had been in the shelter for 7 days after being found roaming the city streets. We came upon a tiny black puppy, wagging her tail and gazing up at us with her big puppy eyes. She was let out of her cage and she flew past us and straight over to the cage that housed the cats. She stood up with her front paws on the cage door and started barking at them. We decided there and then she was the one and she came home with us.
Now 11 years later, she is a bit grey around the muzzle but she will always be that little puppy who taunted the poor cats as she trotted off to her new life.
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